Monday, July 30, 2007

Blog Changes

The attentive reader will notice that I've made a number of, but minor, changes to the blog. After all this time I finally managed to go through the trouble of upgrading the blog to Google's much more user-friendly version of Blogger. It's actually good for me and hopefully for you too.

The first thing you'll notice on the right side bar is a superior archiving system. You can now see each post, per month and per year. Just click on the arrow to expand a selection. With this feature it should now be easier for you and I to scroll through past posts.

Down the bottom of this page you'll notice a link to older posts. Pretty straightforward. It just takes you to the next lot of posts in my stream.

By the way, I've shortened the length of my pages to 20 posts. It was previously 30 posts but with a very long scroll. Hopefully this means that pages will be a little faster for you as there will be fewer elements to download. If you think we go shorter still, we can do that too.

I'm also experimenting with labelling or tagging. This just basically categorises posts by content type (e.g. Australian News, Film, Game, etc). Hopefully it's useful to you. I'm just not sure if I've got the nomenclature right yet.

Finally, there is a short news feed, via Google, down my right side bar. These are just news items that have the word "chess" in them. Therefore, some items appearing here may not be about the game at all.

Hope you like the changes.


Anonymous said...

I guess the effort involved to migrate is a portent that you have re-thought your muse about abandoning blogging.
And for that we say thank you very much.

Just testing if the COMMENT function has changed.

Anonymous said...

The technical changes are fine by me. Yet I dislike the content changes you have made to your posts [your blog has become very boring over last 3 or 4 weeks], and so do many others, as the number of comments on your posts has been close to zero in recent times. Why is there nothing on the NSWCA on your blog nowadays? Have you done some sort of grubby deal with Gletsos? There have been a couple of examples of NSWCA incompetence recently [not to mention another shocking weekend attendance for July weekender due to their poor promotion of the event] which you should have reported on and would have guaranteed a lot of comments from your readers [which would make your blog a lot more interesting and lively than it is at present].