Thursday, January 11, 2007

New ACF Officers

From the latest ACF newsletter, the new officials are as follows:

President: Gary Wastell
Deputy President: Bill Gletsos
Vice Presidents: Kevin Bonham; Denis Jessop
Secretary: Jey Hoole
Treasurer: Norm Greenwood

Also in this latest newsletter is a call for nominations for Australia's representatives in the FIDE Zonal to be held in Fiji. Any interested parties can find out more here.

And, by the way, while these ACF officials have so far continued to deny that Chess Chat is their "official" channel of communications, we are assured by vice president Dr Kevin Bonham, in a posting on that very bulletin board, that he doesn't "expect the political issues to cause hassles. If they do so and the event is moved to a different country then I intend to issue a fresh call for applications."

And if you think that we should boycott this event, you can forget it! Denis Jessop is even more emphatic saying, "Neither the ACF nor the NZCF has any intention of boycotting the event."


Anonymous said...

Official communications can be posted on chesschat, and sometimes are. If so they are indicated by being signed with the position held by the person making them.

Anonymous said...

What is meant to be the difference between a deputy president and a vice president?

Sounds like a case of Yes Minister to me. lol.