Saturday, June 09, 2007

Open Thread

A couple of big tournaments are happening today - one in Victoria and, of course, there's the NSW Open up here in Sydney. At last we've spotted a list of players for the NSW Open. I think maybe NSWCA boss Bill Gletsos can breathe a sigh of relief. His baby features GM Dejan Antic, IM Andras Toth, Igor Blejobrk and a number of 2000+ rated players.

I won't be playing. This bad weather has got me in the mood for the Sydney Film Festival. I figured, for my $100 I can do art instead! And last night, while out with a couple of chess buddies at the Art House Hotel, somebody made the observation that he could feed himself for a whole week just with the entry fee!

Finally, details of this year's Malaysian Open are now out. DATMO, as our fellow blogger Andrew Ooi calls this event, is slated for 19 to 27 August. As usual I suspect this event will attract a number of Aussies as well as strong Pinoy players.

Have a good long weekend folks.


Anonymous said...

why are the entry fees for chess tournaments like the NSW Open so high like $60 plus?

Anonymous said...

To cover the prize money, rent and arbiters fees. Why are chess players so tight? Where else could you go and join a 3 day event for less than $30 per day.

Anonymous said...

... because tight wads like you don't provide generous sponsorship for the event ...

Anonymous said...

Fees are high because the NSWCA hates ordinary players and runs its events as a fund raiser for the top guns. At least this event will break even plus or minus a couple of hundred bucks.

DeNovoMeme said...

"Where else could you go and join a 3 day event for less than $30 per day?"

You could try your girl friends bed.

But seriously, once registered for the year most sports cost $0 to $5. (e.g. swimming, netball, football, darts.) Chess is an anomoly in that at all levels it pays good prize money to a bunch of nobodies after taking good money from a bunch of nobodies. CRAZY.

Anonymous said...

$100 is far too much for an adult entry fee for the NSW Open. Even the early bird $80 is too much. Many chess players are on low wages and some are unemployed. Why can't the NSWCA obtain SPONSORSHIP for at least one of their tournaments? this would make entry fees cheaper and the prize money more attractive, thus increasing the number of entries. If the likes of Brian Jones and Jason Lyons can get sponsorship for their tournaments without too much difficulty, then why doesn't the NSWCA get off its backside and do the same for its tournaments?

The Closet Grandmaster said...

Getting sponsorship is an obvious and old idea. Problem is, it's not a simple process. And who'd sponsor chess? ACE? CDS? These guys already have a captive audience anyway.


Anonymous said...

Who would sponsor chess tournaments?

Banks,insurance companies,soft drink companies,chocalate manfacturers,etc....

Why do people keep trying to perpetuate the idea that chess players are the dregs of society and that no one would want to touch us with a ten foot pole?

On another note,has the NSWCA given a reason why they feel they should charge $100 to enter a weekender when other states dont charge anywhere near as much.
Is it alot more expensive to run a tournament in NSW than other states?

DeNovoMeme said...

anon asks: Is it alot more expensive to run a tournament in NSW than other states?

No, in fact, it is much much cheaper. In NSW the big footy clubs, RSLs et cetera, provide free high quality venues for all chess clubs. Therefore, most of the entry fees go into the pockets of the winners of the open division.

Anonymous said...

What about rent and arbiters fees? Rating fee, Fide Rating fee, Grand Prix fee. Not to mention other fees such as fees for banking cheques, merchant fees for paying online etc.

Anonymous said...

TCG, many companies are prepared to sponsor chess. A few years ago Jason Lyons even got a condom manufacturer to sponsor the Olympiad team! he also got other sponsors like NSW state government. Brian Jones's SIO had several sponsors. Why do you limit your chess sponsorship options to just CDS and ACE? Unfortunately the NSWCA are not interested in getting sponsorship for chess with the result that nearly all their tournaments are dreary lifeless affairs. Can anyone tell me when a NSWCA tournament last had sponsorship?