Friday, June 02, 2006

Kok Doomed

According to some, Kok has no chance of winning. David Levy:

It is well known that in FIDE elections many promises are broken, so no one can be really certain.

But the people who are most genuinely in the know, those on the two election teams, paint a picture of a Kirsan victory. His guys are all smiles, while those I have seen today from the Bessel camp have an air of doom about them.

Even GM Ian Rogers is somewhat bearish. More from the Moscow Times.


Anonymous said...

While I have no doubt that Kirsan is handing out the bribes like there is no tomorrow lets not forget that Levy is a Kirsan apologist.

What people tend to forget is that even if Kok loses the FIDE election there is enough support from the european federations and commercial businesses to form a legitimate breakaway.

The european federations are sick of a FIDE that runs on bribes and lies.
They want transparency,honesty, and legitimate corporate sponsorship. Kirsan has had over 10 years to deliver and he has never come close.

We need a change now!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Kirsan has won as expected.
For those interested, this is the president that we have:

And I say: someone like this will not represent me and cannot represent chess. It's an insult to humankind and to all chess players. Disgusting.