Friday, March 27, 2009

2009 Games Festival

Just received word from our mates over at ChessDom about the 2009 Games Festival in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event will incorporate three chess tournaments - the World Amateurs, the World Schools and the Thessaloniki International Open. So far the list of participants across all three aren't especially impressive. The World Schools, for example, has only a handful of countries to date.


Anonymous said...

That's gonna be a good show!

Saw this today at GM Polgar's blog:

This should also be a good event I think...


chessx said...

In the world credit crunch in operation any chess tournament has to be good.
Will this be an annual event?

Thomas Southerland said...


If you are referring to the Akobian-Shulman Match, then the answer is; "Yes".

As these events are great for morale and bringing players and fans of Chess together from around the world, we are humbly honored to organize such matches.

Our next event is planned for later this year, and will include the Super GM Boris Gelfand. (Of course scheduling is key.)

Thank You for your interest, And we hope you enjoy the match!

Best Regards,
Thomas Southerland

Thomas Southerland said...

Great coverage about the Match here:

Our deepest appreciation to the editors of Chessdom for their top-shelf work in covering the world of chess news and events.
