Saturday, September 06, 2008

NCFP Launches New Site

The National Chess Fed of the Philippines has a new website. Not exactly in keeping with the current fad of web 2.0 sites, with that sort of misty look, but it's definitely an improvement from the last version. The only big problem I've noticed is that clicking on "Tournament" forces you to upgrade your browser! Is that Netscape I see?

Screenshot courtesy of Fireshot

In other RP news, the 3rd PGMA Cup begins today and will finish on the 13th September. It's a pretty damn strong tournament. And just announced this week will be a match between Wesley So and the country's first GM, the legenday Eugene Torre. Here's an item from Marlon Bernardino in the Cebu Daily News.


Anonymous said...

Yeah right, it's still a lousy site coz it doesnt feature live games.

Anonymous said...

It looks appealing and may well be a work in progress.

Our own ACF site has been in need of an overhaul for some time. We obviously don't care about our international image. Gotta love that prominent, dead 2007 Grand Prix link.

Anonymous said...

The list of players can be seen in this site

The officail website is

Australian IM Wohl loss to GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son of Vietnam in the 1st rnd.

Anonymous said...

I see that they've added a photo gallery in the tournament site.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Perhaps ACF should get the Philippino webmaster that is doing the website.

Peter Long said...

For everyone's information, on behalf of ACC I am helping organise the PGMA event - and is one of my contributions - basically we have facilitated invitations, looking to improve logistical arrangements on the ground, better understand the value of media, and promote use of the Internet by origanisers as a communications channel, etc.
We would like to introduce more but step by step is the best approach and readiness will be reflected as we improve with each event.