Friday, June 25, 2010

Chrome Chess

OK here's a chance for some of our smart readers, who know a thing or two about coding, to get chess in as part of an operating system's time-wasting feature.

In case you didn't know it, Google has plans to launch their own operating system called, "Chrome OS". In a developers' conversation thread for games, they've just put out a call for the sorts of games that folks might find interesting. You'll basically need to build the feature and be responsible for its implementation.

Here's a list of basic requirements:

P0 work in chrome / html5
P1 work offline
P1 work in at min 1024x600 res but can adapt to larger screen resolutions
P1 work in a mole / panel form factor (< 600x300), we can provide some
mocks of this form factor
P2 saves state in cloud (e.g. in appengine) across reboots
P2 multiplayer over the internet

Go to this thread if you want to contribute.

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