Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Financial Crisis?

Forget India, forget China! Those two are often touted as the next superpowers in chess, possibly even taking over Russia. However, there's another country to keep an eye on. It is none other than Turkey! With their federation throwing so much cash around, there's motivation aplenty for their young players. Apparently a local bank is the main sponsor. I guess the financial crisis hasn't hit them hard.

Thanks to IM David Smerdon for this tid-bit. He'd quit his day job, he said, if only the ACF had the same sort of thing!


Anonymous said...

And they suspend their only GM, Atalik, for playing Greek tournament, and his wife IM Ekatarina for refusing to go to Nalchik.

Anonymous said...

It's at times like these that I wish I lived in Turkey.

Anonymous said...

The Turkish Chess Federation gets enormous government support like about 1 million Euros for a new chess centre and it is able to employ full-time staff. Moreover the government has made chess a curriculum subject in primary schools. The likelihod of those things happening in Australia is regrettably next to nil in the foreseeable future.


Anonymous said...

You and your ACF friends have yet to demonstrate the ability to responsibly handle the funds already entrusted to the ACF.

Anonymous said...

"The likelihod of those things happening in Australia is regrettably next to nil in the foreseeable future".

Why so negative Mr Jessop? As an ACF official you should get off your backside and make it happen.

Or you should resign from the ACF and take up gardening.

Anonymous said...

Bravo,Brian Jones!

Anonymous said...


I fear that you are beginning to lose touch with reality or else did not read carefully what I said. My words clearly enough to most people conveyed the unlikelihood of the Australian government giving the ACF something like 2 million $AUD for a national chess centre or making chess a curriculum subject in schools. Do you seriously think that either of those things is a practicable possibility? If you do, I believe you are greatly deluded. Insulting the ACF and its officials doesn't contribute anyhing worthwhile to the debate.