Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Arianne Jives to Third

An update for overseas readers.

Dancing the jive last night, Arianne Caoili and partner Carmelo Pizzino scored 28 points from the judges. This put them in third place behind Tamsyn/Arsen, 33 points, and the Anthony/Natalie pairing, on 29 points.

Australian Olympian Tamsyn Lewis is proving to be Arianne's number one rival in the program. And I must say, Tamsyn's performances over the last two weeks have impressed even the "undancing" TCG. That rumba in the previous week was quite impressive.

But the chess starlet is definitely gaining a following. Some fans seem to think that the judges have been unfair. While others think that she needs to quit with the giggles. In any case, we'll see Arianne for at least one more week. Last night, Tom Waterhouse, son of a prominent local horse racing identity, was voted out of the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are they going to get rid of that Home and Away guy?

He sucks bigtime! lol