After having been warned on two prior occasions to desist, So was forfeited for taking notes! Incredible stuff, especially at this level, and particularly for a top-tenner whom many believe will one day vie for the world crown.
To be clear, the notes were self-motivational reminders, but FIDE's rules allow no doubt - these notes are a no-no.
Despite what his diehard fans might say, Wesley So is absolutely at fault. He broke the rules. The two prior warnings make his situation even less defensible. And, no, claiming he didn't know the rules won't cut it either.
GM Jan Gustafsson had it right:
Note to self: Don't write notes to self during a chess game.
— Jan Gustafsson (@GMJanGustafsson) April 11, 2015
As if all that wasn't bad enough, there are what seem to be some unsavoury details pertaining to Wesley's family. It's not looking good.
Hate to thread drift/thread hijack, but I'd just like people to know that OzChess has moved. We are now located at:
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Thanks, and back to chess.
Bye :)
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